PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero)

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INTI AFIS (INTI Automatic Fingerprint Identification System) adalah identifikasi biometrik fingerprint yang menggunakan teknologi digital imagine untuk mendapatkan, menyimpan, dan menganalisis data sidik jari. INTI AFIS mengintegrasikan perangkat fingerprint scanner dengan aplikasi.

Peningkatan Keamanan

Kemudahan & Kenyamanan

Kepercayaan Pengguna

  • Perbankan
  • Otorisasi Transaksi
  • Law Enforcement
  • Forensik
  • Pelayanan Publik
  • Kependudukan
  • Access Control
  • Single Sign On
  • Absensi
  • Airport Security
  • Smart Airport with Biometric
  • Kustomisasi sesuai proses bisnis pengguna
  • Kenyamanan dengan protocol SSL/TLS
  • Token based authentication
  • Fingerprint data protection
  • STQC Certification (audit & testing)
  • Rejection of false fingerprint

  • Unparalleled performance, speed and accuracy
  • ANSI/INCITS 378, ISO 19794-2 and ILO SID compliant
  • PIV LEVEL 2: Extractor and Matcher compliant to US Government’s Personal Identity Verification standards
  • STQ certified
  • NIST MINEX III – top performer in all categories
  • Optimized performance for low-level embedded devices (scanners, POS terminals)
  • ISO compact card template conversions available

If you are interested and want to get clearer information about this product, please contact us!

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