About US
PT INTI (Persero), one of the state-owned enterprises in strategic industries, was officially established on December 30, 1974. The Company headquartered in Jalan Moch Toha No. 77 Bandung has portfolio in the fields of Manufacture, System Integrator, and Digital. To support its business, PT INTI (Persero) also operates an eight hectares production facility on Jalan Moch Toha No 225 which produces telecommunications and electronic devices.
Focus on the production process or conversion of raw materials, semi-finished materials.
Focus on providing products and services based on digital services innovation to answers your.
Production Facility
INTI Smart Industrial Park provides eight hectares of facilities used to produce fiber optic cables and accessories, telecommunications equipment, smart energy devices, plastics and metals, and composite liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders. This production facility is located at Jalan Moch Toha No 225 Bandung, or about 3 kilometers from the company’s headquarters.
Since 2010
Board of commissioners

Unggul Priyanto
President Commissioner
Dr. Ir. Unggul Priyanto, M.Sc. officially appointed as Commissioner of PT INTI (Persero) since March 22, 2016. The man who born in Malang, 30 September 1958 is a graduate of Chemical Engineering at the Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1985.

Trisno Hendradi
TNI Intermediate Marshal (Ret.) Trisno Hendradi is a retired high-ranking TNI Air Force officer who last served as Commander of the Staff School and Indonesian National Army Command (TNI) in 2019-2020.

Rahmadi Murwanto
Rahmadi Murwanto, Ak., M.Acc., Ph.D. began his career at the Ministry of Finance in 1991 at the Financial Education and Training Agency (BPLK) after graduating Diploma-III from the State College of Accountancy (STAN).

Yanuar Rokhmad Madyantoro
Yanuar Rokhmad Madyantoro, B.Sc., M.M., has a track record of experience in restructuring and revitalization that he gained from strategic positions in a number of companies, including PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (Persero).
board of directors
Dr. Edi Witjara, CMA. has officialy served as President Director of PT INTI (Persero) since July 8, 2022. The man who was born in Kediri, November 17, 1972, previously served as Director of Enterprise & Business Service during June 2020-July 2022 period at PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. He also had held a number of important positions, such as Senior Advisor to the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia (2020-2022) and Director of Human Capital Management PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. (2019-2020).

Ahmad Taufik, S.T. previously served as Senior Vice President of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. during the 2022 period. The man who was born in Jakarta, 25 September 1965 has also held various strategic positions in the same company, such as Head of Business Continuity Management (2020-2022), Vice President Strategic Project (2015-2020), Vice President IT Strategic Wholesale Banking (2012-2013), and Vice President of Information Management Solution (2012).

Tantang Yudha Santoso, ST. previously served as Finance & Risk Management Director of PT MD Media (Telkom Group) since August 2020. The man who was born in Samarinda, October 12, 1977 also held various strategic positions, such as Operation Senior Manager Leveraging PT Telkom Indonesia (2018–2020) , AVP Strategic Finance PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. (2017–2018), VP Strategic Planning & Management System PT PINS Indonesia (2013-2017), and AVP Corporate Development PT PINS Indonesia (2011-2013).

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Tahun Baru, Perangkat Access Point Baru
Tahun baru menjadi momen untuk memperbaharui perangkat internet dengan Access Point.

Menilik e-KTP Reader, Produk Serbabisa Besutan PT INTI (Persero) dengan Local Content Tertinggi di Indonesia
PT INTI (Persero) tengah memacu langkah strategis untuk memaksimalkan kebermanfaatan produk e-KTP Reader dengan nilai local content tertinggi di Indonesia.

Highlight Pencapaian INTI Group 2024
INTI Group mencatatkan sejumlah pencapaian sepanjang 2024.

Jl. Moch. Toha No. 77 Bandung 40253
Phone : (+62-22) 5201501
Fax : (+62-22) 5202444
E-mail : info@inti.co.id
Production Facilities
Jl. Moch Toha No. 225 Bandung
Phone : (+62-22) 5206510
Jakarta Branch Office
Jl. Balitung 1 No.17 (Senopati)
Jakarta Selatan 12110
Corporate Governance
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Copyright © 2020 PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero)